In the vein of Charles Gaines’s and Tomàs Saraceno’s work, artists are harvesting data that describes the universe, that records the weather, and that monitors environmental conditions. The works in this grouping help us grasp the enormity of the universe and the ever-changing environmental conditions in the atmosphere, to see the shifting power of storms, the cleanliness of water, and the rising high water mark in coastal cities, for example. Phenomena too enormous to wrap our minds around become visible in elegant installations, objects, and works on paper.

Jill Baroff

Jill Baroff; Hurricane Wilma (New York Harbor), 2012

Jill Baroff; Hurricane Wilma (New York Harbor), 2012

Alicja Biala/Iwo Borkowicz

Alicja Biala/Iwo Borkowicz; Totemy, 2019

Alicja Biala/Iwo Borkowicz; Totemy, 2019

Spencer Finch

Spencer Finch; Cosmic Latte, 2007

Spencer Finch; Cosmic Latte, 2007

Aude Moreau

Aude Moreau; La ligne bleue, 2014

Aude Moreau; La ligne bleue, 2014

Katie Paterson

Katie Paterson; The Cosmic Spectrum, 2019

Katie Paterson; The Cosmic Spectrum, 2019


PLAYLAB, INC. and Family New York in collaboration with Floating Point; POOL Light, 2019

PLAYLAB, INC. and Family New York in collaboration with Floating Point; POOL Light, 2019

Norwood Viviano

Norwood Viviano; Global Cities, 2015-2016

Norwood Viviano; Global Cities, 2015-2016